Which plastic can be recycled many times?

Thermoplastics are plastics that can be remelted and molded to create new products and therefore recycled. Polypropylene is recyclable, although many recyclers still don't accept it. PP is considered safe for reuse. However, plastic waste can often be reused or reused, meaning that it is diverted from the landfill for a period of time, meaning plastic bags can be reused several times before being discarded.

The difference in recyclability between types of plastic may be due to the way they are manufactured; thermosetting plastics contain polymers that form irreversible chemical bonds and cannot be recycled, while thermoplastics can be remelted and molded. Many types of plastic can be recycled, even if the process is not widespread, however, many plastics are not recycled simply because they are not easily recyclable. Companies can check with comprehensive waste management providers which plastics are accepted for recycling, as this may vary. Plastic waste is a key concern for environmentalists, governments and organizations, as the vast majority of plastics are disposed of in ways that are not environmentally friendly, causing polluted oceans, overcrowded landfills and ecological damage.

Some sophisticated processes can separate these compounds and manufacture new PVC for pipes, carpet coverings and fences, but the difficulty and complexity of this process make it unlikely that the composites will be strong enough to withstand recycling more than once. Traditional PS is not recyclable because it is formed from a liquid hydrocarbon that cannot be broken down with standard recycling methods and is too expensive to process; however, expanded polystyrene (EPS), a rigid cellular plastic used for building insulation and packaging electronic products, is. The general rule is that the lower the resin code, the more likely it is that the type of plastic is easily recyclable. However, plastic waste can often be reused or reused, meaning that it is diverted from the landfill for a period of time.

Generally, LDPE can only be recycled once because its quality is so degraded that it can only be used to treat carpets, trash can liners and other single-use items. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, it is recycled slightly more frequently than PET plastic (29.3% versus 29.1% of the time). In addition to commonly collected plastics and household waste, other plastics are recyclable, but may require more specific measures. Ultimately, any plastic waste can be shredded and used as a filler for asphalt, or pyrolyzed to produce fuel.

It is important that alternatives to landfills be explored and that plastic waste is not immediately discarded as useless, but as valuable.

Vickie Zaidel
Vickie Zaidel

Freelance music maven. Gamer. Infuriatingly humble pop culture evangelist. Avid travel aficionado. Incurable tv maven. Lifelong internet nerd.